30 min class - $38/mo
45 min class - $47/mo
1 hr class - $56/mo
Just Dance - Free (pre-approved registration only)
Registration fee: $25 + $10 for each additional child
Recital fee: $65.00, $80.00 for Families with multiple students
Recital Costume Deposits (Due Nov. 1): $35.00 per costume
Recital Costume Balances (Due March 1)
MULTI - CLASS Discount
2 classes 5% 3 classes 7.5% 4 classes 10%
5 classes 12.5% 6 classes 15% 7 classes 17.5 %
8 classes 20% 9 classes 22.5% 10+ classes 25%
2nd student Family Discount 5%
3rd student Family Discount 7.5%
4th student Family Discount 10%
5th student Family Discount 12.5%
If you pay the year in full there is a 10% discount for the tuition costs
**Let us know if a student is
interested in assistant teaching​**